Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Incredibles

The Incredibles:

Hands down the best Pixar film yet and for those who are familiar with the collection of animated features and shorts this studio has created this statement means a lot.

I've seen all of the shorts and features that Pixar has made with the exception of Cars. Pixar from the beginning been able to create animated features that cater to adults as well as teens and young children. This approach and skill should not be underestimated. I have viewed most of these films in the theater and you can see the entire audience digesting them through various filters. The Incredibles does this in spades and back again. On top of this achievement is the amazing fact that it is a genre film. Superheros have always been animated but only recently have been enjoyed by anyone but a proportionally tiny slice of the world's movie audience.

The movie succeeds by creating the perfect recipe of a solid story, in depth character development, amazing animation with overtime put into the details on every level, not stop action, and most importantly the inclusion human relationships which is really in my mind the root of the whole tale. Through clever maneuvering they have drawn an amazing range of people including those who only watch animated features occasionally to those that ignore the medium entirely. This feat above all is the most memorable in a film that is made of amazing feats and indelible memories. You don't have to break out the twelve year old in you to fully embrace this one.

-Bitter Macgregor

I love cartoons, the more disturbing and fucked up the better. It takes a very special cartoon to hold my attention without showing a mouse’ journey through a guy’s ass hole or saying “shit” every other word. Well this movie went the distance and made me happy, happy, happy.
I have a retarded soft side that believes the world is a wonderful place to live in and “The Incredibles” is a movie that reassures that retard. The good guys win, families stick together, 100’s of millions of people aren’t suffering in lives that have no sign of hope due to some evil dictator we put in power so we could have cheaper jeans.
This movie makes one think that “yes I to can be a stand up citizen, a role model to my children, a white upper class American meathead who shits on the cultures of the world”. The only way you can relay these kinds of ideas without seeming entirely “family movie of the week” is in a fun action packed cartoon movie.
So grab your kids before they become dick sucking drug addicted crack fiends and sit down on the couch for a family fun adventure in escapism.

-The Plow

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